Leaflet Distribution Price

We offer competitive pricing for our high-quality leaflet printing and distribution services. Our transparent pricing structure ensures you get the best value for your marketing investment. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, we have a flexible distribution method to suit your budget and needs.

Starting at just £50 + VAT per thousand leaflets, our cost of distribution offers exceptional value for money for a door to door campaign. Our pricing is not only lower than Royal Mail’s, but we also provide enhanced targeting options to ensure your leaflets reach the right audience. With prices as low as 5p per household, you can efficiently reach local homes and maximize your marketing budget.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Get a free quote today and discover how our comprehensive leaflet distribution services can help you reach your target audience with precision and efficiency.

Custom Packages

Need something more tailored? We offer custom packages at a discounted price to meet your distribution campaign. Whether you need a different quantity or additional services, we can create a leaflet campaign that fits your needs.

Option 1

5,000 leaflets

£550 +vat
  • 5,000 A5 Double-Sided Leaflets designed, printed & distributed
Option 2

10,000 leaflets

£900 +vat
  • 10,000 A5 Double-Sided Leaflets designed, printed & distributed
Option 3

25,000 leaflets

£2000 +vat
  • 25,000 A5 Double-Sided Leaflets designed, printed & distributed

Additional Services

  • Design Services: Starting at £30 per design. Our expert designers will create eye-catching leaflets that capture your brand’s essence and message.
  • Express Printing: Need your leaflets fast? We offer express printing services with a quick turnaround time.
  • Distribution Only: Have your leaflets already been printed? We can handle the distribution for you. Contact us for pricing details.

How It Works

  1. Consultation: Contact us to discuss your needs and choose the best package for your business.
  2. Design: Work with our design team to create a leaflet that stands out.
  3. Printing: Once the design is approved, we’ll handle the printing using our high-quality, eco-friendly processes.
  4. Distribution: Our GPS-tracked distribution ensures your leaflets are delivered accurately and on time.
  5. Reporting: Receive detailed reports on distribution routes and coverage areas.

Why Choose Us Over Royal Mail for Leaflet Distribution?

We understand that effective marketing is all about reaching the right audience at the right time. That's why we offer a superior leaflet distribution service that is more cost-efficient and provides enhanced targeting and tracking capabilities compared to Royal Mail.

Enhanced Targeting Options

Unlike Royal Mail, we provide flexible and precise targeting options to ensure your leaflets reach the exact audience you want. Whether you need to target specific neighbourhoods, business districts, or even exact streets, our customized packages allow for precise distribution tailored to your marketing needs.

GPS-Tracked Distribution

One of the standout features of our service is our GPS-tracked distribution which Royal Mail distribution cannot match. Each of our distributors is equipped with GPS tracking, allowing us to monitor the delivery process in real-time. This ensures that your leaflets are delivered accurately and on time, providing peace of mind and verifiable proof of delivery.

FAQ: Why Choose Us Over Royal Mail?

How does your pricing compare to Royal Mail?

Our pricing is significantly more affordable than Royal Mail's. We offer leaflet distribution starting at just £50 + VAT per thousand leaflets, which translates to as little as 0.050p per household. This competitive pricing ensures you get the best value for your marketing investment.

What targeting options do you offer that Royal Mail does not?

We provide flexible and precise targeting options, allowing you to reach specific neighbourhoods, business districts, or even streets. This level of targeting ensures that your leaflets reach the right audience, unlike Royal Mail’s broader, less targeted approach.

How does your GPS-tracked distribution work?

Each of our distributors is equipped with GPS tracking, which allows us to monitor the delivery process in real-time. This ensures that your leaflets are delivered accurately and on time. We also provide detailed reports on distribution routes and coverage areas, giving you verifiable proof of delivery.

What kind of reporting do you provide?

We offer comprehensive reports that include:

  • Distribution Routes: Detailed paths taken by our distributors.
  • Coverage Maps: Visual representations of the areas covered.
  • Time Logs: Precise timestamps of when each area was covered.

These reports provide transparency and accountability, ensuring that your marketing materials reach their intended destinations.

Can I customise my leaflet distribution package?

Yes, we offer custom packages tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a different quantity of leaflets or additional services such as design and express printing, we can create a package that fits your requirements and budget.

Why should I choose your service over Royal Mail?

Choosing Exeter Leaflet Distribution over Royal Mail means benefiting from lower costs, enhanced targeting options, GPS-tracked distribution, and detailed reporting. Our commitment to transparency, precision, and personalized service ensures that your marketing efforts are more effective and efficient.


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